Primary Teacher Education College, Patahi Muzaffarpur, is established in 1995. It is recognized by NCTE, (ERC Bhubaneshwar) Govt. of India and affiliated to Bihar School Examination Board, Patna.
The scarcity of trained teachers is quite evident from the fact that the vacancy announced and published as such by the Government of Bihar. Turning to the eastern region.
In view of the situation prevailing on the national and international horizon, ” Primary Teacher Education College, Patahi ” is preparing in the way to train teachers. This institute will leave no stone unturned to achieve the goal by providing all facilities to the trainees in right earnest.
In keeping with the development and process oriented objectives of Teacher Training Programmes in this area should aim at developing in the student teachers concept, competencies, attitudes and skills related to implementation of a developmentally appropriate curriculum based on child centered activity and play based approach to Teacher Training Programmed curriculum is flexible to accommodate different approaches and schools of thought on Teacher Training Programmed for starting a Teacher Training Education in Bihar. बिहार सरकार के शिक्षा विभाग द्वारा संचालित D.El.Ed शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान है जिसे N C T E द्वारा प्रतिवर्ष 200 सीटों पर नामांकन की अनुमति प्राप्त है.