Shree Nitish Kumar
(Hon'ble Chief Minister Of Bihar)
शिक्षक समाज के मेरुदण्ड हैं ।
Shree Sunil Kumar
Dr. S. Siddharth
Shri Sajjan. R (IAS)

Notice Board
Amrit Kaal Story-Writing Competition

*ऑनलाइन फ्रॉड कॉल और एसएमएस से सावधान
किसी व्यक्ति द्वारा फ़ोन कर के या मैसेज कर के नामांकन संबंधी किसी प्रकार का शुल्क यदि मांगा जाता है तो इसका कंप्लेन नजदीकी पुलिस स्टेशन में करें। संस्थान के तरफ से ऐसा कोई फ़ोन या मैसेज नहीं किया जाता है बल्कि नामांकन हेतु विभाग द्वारा निर्धारित शुल्क का भुगतान नामांकन के दिन संस्थान में काउंसलिंग प्रक्रिया के पश्चात् ही लिया जाता है।
Flash News
- Expression of Interest (EOI)
For Empanelment of Resource Persons in SCERT & TEIs of Bihar
(Read here) (11/12/2024) - 2 nd spot Admission notice ( Read here )
- Deled 2024-26 शुद्धि पत्र (Read here)
- ARTS स्पॉट नामांकन हेतु चयनित अभ्यर्थियों की सूची (Date 04/09/2024)
- SCIENCE स्पॉट नामांकन हेतु चयनित अभ्यर्थियों की सूची (Date 04/09/2024)
- Provisional Merit List for session 2024-26: Arts List (Date 31-08-2024)
- Provisional Merit List for session 2024-26: Science List (Date 31-08-2024)
- d.el.ed सत्र 2024-2026 में first spot admission की सूचना देने के संबंध में
- नामांकन संबंधी सूचना सत्र 2024-26 (Date 17-07-2024)
- Short Term Tender Notice: Extension for Quotation invitation read here (07/02/2024)
- Short Term Tender Notice: Quotation invited for various works Pre-Fab अल्पकालीन निविदा संख्या-12 Pre-Fab अल्पकालीन निविदा संख्या-13 Pre-Fab अल्पकालीन निविदा संख्या-11 Pre-Fab अल्पकालीन निविदा संख्या-10 Pre-Fab अल्पकालीन निविदा संख्या-8 Pre-Fab अल्पकालीन निविदा संख्या-9 Pre-Fab अल्पकालीन निविदा संख्या-7 Pre-Fab अल्पकालीन निविदा संख्या-6 (30/01/2024)
- Short Term Tender Notice: Quotation invited for Repairing of Girl's Hostel read here (20/01/2024)
- Short Term Tender Notice: Quotation invited for Repairing of Boy's Hostel read here (20/01/2024)
- Short Term Tender Notice: Quotation invited for Repairing of Institutional Building read here (20/01/2024)
Principal's Message
It is My pleasure to have golden opportunity to convey a message through the versatile thoughts of PTEC.
It is my Privilege to say that PTEC Patahi is built around the core competencies of best Management system , highly qualified faculty& best codes of governance.
I congratulate to all my teaching staff and students for their untiring efforts for sculpturing the degree of standardization.
I just pray that this institute of ours reaches new heights in the coming years. Our strive to explore, to nurture, to perform zealously is on.
With best Wishes
PTEC Patahi Muzaffarpur
The journey of Primary Teacher Education College, Patahi (PTEC) commenced under the banner of Bihar School Examination Board, Patna. Its PTEC was established in 1935 of all these trusts.
Primary Teacher Education College, Patahi is well known in the Country for good services to the people. It has established many educational Institutions, rehabilitation and health care centers at distance of 3 KM. from college in Muzaffarpur, (Bihar).
These College of Teachers' Training is which is RECOGNISED BY NCTE, (ERC Bhubaneshwar) and affiliated to Bihar School Examination Board, Patna and recognized by Bihar Government.